SMARTNOBLE 2.4M Automatic Container Type Mobile Satcom Antenna

SMARTNOBLE 2.4M Automatic Container Type Mobile Satcom Antenna

General Purpose
Antennas are used in satellite communications to enable the transmission and reception of radio signals.

Components of 2.4M Satcom Antenna System
2.1 See table for a list of single-set product configurations1
Table 1List of equipment for 2.4m container type mobile satcom antenna

SMARTNOBLE 2.4M Automatic Container Type  Mobile Satcom Antenna

Main T
echnical Indicators

1.Functional indicators:
(1) Signal reception capability: with X, Ku band range signal reception and transmission;
(2) Feedforward parabolic antenna with aperture of 2.4 meters, including feed support;
Number of antenna face dividing flaps, 10 dividing flaps;
Dual GPS antennas can be mounted on the antenna face
(3) The antenna rotates from -180°to 180°in azimuth, from -2 to 88°in pitch, and adopts a double actuator in pitch;
(4) The antenna control mode includes both manual and motorized modes;
(5) The antenna can realize polarization adjustment;
(6) The antenna needs to meet the requirements of 2 persons to install within 15 minutes and 2 persons to dismantle within 20 minutes, with appropriate tools.
(7) The antenna uses absolute value encoder to complete the antenna angle positioning;
(8) The antenna has the function of automatic compensation of rolling inclination;
2 Performance Indicators:
(1) Focal length to aperture ratio f/D = 0.45;
(2) Parabolic precision: total precision of main surface0.35R.M.S, precision of single panel0.1R.M.S;
(3) Feeder support structure: antenna feeder support structure should be able to use all all feeder installation requirements, with interchangeable, longitudinally adjustable, axially rotatable (polarization) function.
(4) Electrical performance indicators:
X-band electrical performance index
Operational frequency bands:Receive 7.25GHz to 7.75GHz;
Transmits 7.9 GHz to 8.4 GHz;
Antenna Gain:Receive 42.9 + 20lg(f/7.5)dBi;
Emission 43.6 + 20lg(f/8.15)dBi;
Voltage VSWR: 1.5;
Polarization mode: circular polarization (switchable);
Axis ratio 1.5dB;
Port Isolation: Transceiver isolation degree 85dB (including blocking filter);
First parameter level: -14dB;
G/T value≥21.5dB/K
Ku-band electrical performance index
  1. Operating bands: Receive 10.7 GHz to 12.75 GHz;
Transmits 13.75 GHz to 14.5 GHz;
  1. Antenna Gain: Receive 46.8 + 20lg(f/11.725) dBi;
Emission 48.4 + 20lg(f/14.125) dBi;
  1. Voltage Standing Wave Ratio: ≤1.5
  2. Polarization method: line polarization;
  3. Cross-polarization isolation: 35dB (axial);
  4. Port isolation: transceiver isolation 85dB (with blocking filter);
  5. First parameter level: -14dB;
  6. G/T value: 24dB/K;
X-band amplifier:
Power: 40W;
Transmitting frequency: 7.9-8.4 GHz;
IF frequency: 950-1450MHz;
Small signal gain: 69dB;
RF output connector: WR-112;
IF Input Connector: N;
VSWR: 2.0: 1;
Ku-band amplifier:
Power: 40W;
Transmitting frequency: 13.75-14.5 GHz;
IF frequency: 950-1700MHz;
Small signal gain: 70dB;
RF output connector: WR-75;
IF Input Connector: N;
VSWR: 2.0:1;
X-band LNB:
Input frequency: 7.25-7.75 GHz;
Local oscillation frequency: 6.3 GHz;
Output frequency: 950-1450MHz;
Input connector: WR-112;
Output Connector: N;
Power supply:15~24V DC
Gain: 60dB;
Ku-band LNB:
Input frequency: 10.7-11.7 GHz; 11.7-12.75 GHz;
Local oscillation frequency: 9.75 GHz; 10.6 GHz;
Output Frequency: 950-1950MHz1100-2150MHz
Input Connector: WR-75
Output Connector: N;
Power supply: 12~24V DC
Gains: 60dB
(5) Antenna position display flap rate: 0.01° (rms) (same in azimuth and pitch); antenna position control flap rate: 0.02° (rms) (same in azimuth and pitch).
(6) The antenna servo control is equipped with: collection lock control function, soft limit, switch limit and final limit three-level limit protection, fault self-diagnosis and safety protection. The antenna is controlled by a handheld machine with an emergency stop function.
(7) Interface requirements: network port / RS232 / 422, three choose one.
(8) Environmental adaptation requirements
   Operating temperature: servo -20℃~+40, structure -25℃~+55;
   Storage temperature: -25℃~+70;
  Relative humidity of working environment: servo 20%70%, structure 100%;
  Anti-salt spray requirements: the antenna should be able to work normally in the coastal environment, the antenna structure and servo anti-salt spray to meet the relevant requirements in GJB150.11-1986.
(9) Packaging requirements: the antenna is packaged in 2 carbon fiber boxes with a soft coat, the size and weight of the box is appropriate for 2 people to be able to move easily, and the feeder is packaged in a box.
1Single box size 1000mmX1000mmX650mm (excluding soft package);
2The weight of a single case (including internal components) is 100Kg (excluding soft bag);
3Antenna color: white on the antenna face, black on the box.
 Testing and Acceptance
1. Main Items of the Test
  1. Appearance Inspection
  2. Functional performance check
2. List of Deliverables

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